Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bemoaning Unintelligent Graffiti 'Artists'

As I walked back home from the station last night, I passed a squiggle that had been graffitied on a road sign indicating a turning. Typical mindless graffiti, you would assume. And indeed, that is correct.

I bemoaned the stupidity and pointlessness of it. Then when I looked around a bit, bemoaned the stupidity of the graffitier. I mean, opposite this sign, there was the denoted turning. The road name was 'Pantiles Close'. Why graffiti a squiggle on the sign, when the road sign opposite is crying out for an extra S? A little further up the road, the pub sign indicated it was open for hire for private functions, in a very over-elaborate script so that the v looked rather like an r. A little modification and it would have said 'open for hire for pirate functions' which would have been far more entertaining.

All I can conclude is that - simply - graffiti artists are letting us down. Their random squiggles and tags are all very quaint, but completely failing to live up to the potential offered.

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