Wednesday, January 30, 2008

End of January 'Recap'

Having not officially set one, I am probably the only person not to have broken their New Year's Resolutions.

However, I've set myself some goals for this year also. So far, have not made as much progress as I'd like. Tedious, I know, but motivation is a drag and work is swallowing me whole at the moment. When I get some time to myself again, maybe I'll be able to get to making some progress!

Monday, January 28, 2008


I need to do more active things over the weekend so I have more to talk about on Mondays at work.

Also, regular playing means I'm getting slightly less rubbish at football. And slightly less out of condition. These two are spectacular achievements in my book. For me.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Stunned in Disbelief

Random one, this. But yesterday I followed a couple of links, and ended up watching a youtube video - which is the destination for 30% of the links you find anyway (with 60% being porn, and the other 10% being rickrolls). It was a semi-documentary on the Westboro Baptist Church - you may have heard of them, that charming group of 'people' in America who go and picket funerals giving thanks that a military that allows gays to join has died, that sort of thing. Nice 'people' in other words.

But bloody hell was this programme stunning. Their complete lack of awareness, self-absorption and insistence that their own beliefs allow them to convey this complete lack of insensitivity - and the overriding belief that they're the only ones doing things right. It's simply staggering.

What's more irritating is that they're a media sensation because of their controversy, and people talk about them as if they're important, when there's only 150 or so of them. I'm doing it now too. But ... absolutely stunning. Beyond belief. You can see some of their charming literature at the subtly entitled I know.

Just speechless.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bemoaning Unintelligent Graffiti 'Artists'

As I walked back home from the station last night, I passed a squiggle that had been graffitied on a road sign indicating a turning. Typical mindless graffiti, you would assume. And indeed, that is correct.

I bemoaned the stupidity and pointlessness of it. Then when I looked around a bit, bemoaned the stupidity of the graffitier. I mean, opposite this sign, there was the denoted turning. The road name was 'Pantiles Close'. Why graffiti a squiggle on the sign, when the road sign opposite is crying out for an extra S? A little further up the road, the pub sign indicated it was open for hire for private functions, in a very over-elaborate script so that the v looked rather like an r. A little modification and it would have said 'open for hire for pirate functions' which would have been far more entertaining.

All I can conclude is that - simply - graffiti artists are letting us down. Their random squiggles and tags are all very quaint, but completely failing to live up to the potential offered.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Somewhat More Whelmed

I've been fairly overwhelmed at work the last couple of weeks. It's already Wednesday, and I've hardly had a moment to myself. I've already worked four days' worth of work this week, and from only three days. It's not showing any sign of abating either.

On the plus side, at the moment I'm clocking up a bit of time off in lieu due to working evenings on top of normal work, so will at least be able to get the odd half-day off in February as a compensation for that. After this current run, I'll need it.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lack of Commitment

Apologies to one and all, I was intending to update this far more regularly as befitted my recent run. Haven't done so the last fortnight, which is not really up to par.

So, why do things just crack in an instant despite going smoothly for such a long time? Well, no real answer to that one. Just a random musing and pondering as I am prone to.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

2008 And Suchlike

I'm presuming I'm not the only one who finds it odd when dating things at the moment to have to add 2008 instead of 2007 at the end of them. It's rather odd, it seems. Such is the complication and confusion from changing years.

So far this year has been mostly beset by illness and other such fun events. I've been coughing and spluttering for a few days, and have had a blocked nose and other such delightful events. Chrissi has been in bed for a couple of days with the flu, and then ventured out only to be rained upon and struck down again. We're both now on the mend, with me mostly mended and Chrissi at least getting better.

Happy New Year, eh?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

New Year's Resolution

My New Year's Resolution is to blog more.

So far it's working awesomely. Sorry about the lack of updates out there people. Will work on it over the next few days a bit more.