Monday, December 31, 2007

Reading Comprehension Level

I hope you don't think I'm picking on you Vicky with this, but this really made me laugh. I suppose I'm causing people not to comment now if I mock the comments they make, but this has to be said! I type the word 'Chrissi' about three times in every post for the last week. It's there on the page. Quite clearly. So when you reply to a comment ... an extra e goes on the end? Where does it come from?!

I know it's a common spelling of the name, but please. When I have it written everywhere without it, I'd have thought someone might've gotten the hint. Maybe not. Ah well ...

In other more interesting news, I was up a large part of last night due to being unable to sleep. This was due to predominantly a pulled muscle in my chest, most likely from coughing. Hardly the most strenuous activity, but hey. Evidently that's the supreme level of fitness I have. A short splutter is enough to knock out half of the muscles in my body.

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

And you wonder why no one reads your blog. You pick on them!