Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A Summary Of July

Okay, I've been extremely lazy in updating my blog. Apologies for this. I'm going to attempt to do a high-speed summary of sorts. I'm also going to do it in an extremely unoriginal style.

The Good
  • My birthday! Now a scarily old-sounding 22. Thanks to all those who sent good wishes and all those who meant to but just plain forgot.

  • Fact stamp! Yes, I got a fact stamp for my birthday from Chrissi (among other things). This is indescribably awesome. It is blue and stamps 'fact' on things. What more could you want?

  • The job hunt! Well, no job yet. But two interviews this week can't be too bad. Hopeful here. Not technically July so will save that for another post though. However, I arranged them in July with consummate style, so here they go.

  • The rugby! Saints in the Challenge Cup final, and Wigan getting smashed with a four point penalty in the Super League and then getting crushed by Catalans in the Challenge Cup semi-finals themselves - after 10,000 Wigan fans had prematurely bought tickets for the final. Beyond hysterical. I have tickets for the Challenge Cup Final, hope that someone somewhere is jealous; should be a cracking game.

  • TV! Angels were actually on TV last Sunday night, so for the first time all season got to see my team on the as-live baseball on Five. I don't care if I'm the only person who watches it, it was great.

  • The Bad
  • Angels! What are they doing? Relatively big slump post-All Star game, I'm not even sure they're topping .500 in July. At least they swept Detroit. Crunch series now against the Mariners though at the top of the AL West.

  • TNS job - didn't succeed at interview. Ah well, c'est la vie and all that. Other applications have disappeared into the land of no responses, but that's what happens in the exciting world of employment-searching!

  • I've been far far too lazy and have not been organised enough to meet up with people which I really should've done. This will be corrected this week, or at least this weekend. Or at least correction will be attempted.

  • The Ugly
  • Insert your own joke here.

  • These bullet points. They're beyond ugly; they're horrendous.

    Lorelei said...

    *just smiles at the "my team" comment*

    Anonymous said...

    Sorry Andy. IU wasn't here. And didn't have much signal to text. Did you have a good day??

    Lorelei said...

    Angels may have just pulled out of their slump. Big Daddy got a double homer in a game this week, so Vlad is back! This should pep the team up quite a bit. Also, we have a 2.5 game lead over Seattle and only have to maintain it for another 7 or so weeks. Which seems like a long time, but come on...its Seattle. If they catch up, we deserve to be humiliated. Even if they do, we still have an average that will definitely put us in the lead for the wildcard title. We got hammered by Oakland last night, but we'll see if we can't pull out of that!

    Oh, btw, interesting fact. Willits' sister is a pro-basketball player. She's on the LA Sparks. Kinda funny considering how small Willits is!

    Russell said...