Monday, February 26, 2007

More Classic Clips

On a retro crusade through YouTube, I just had to link this. How old is this, and how the hell is it still so awesome? They don't make them like they used to.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Belated Valentines!

Well, today was my Valentine's Day. This does make sense, honest. The reason is because the Royal Mail, being reliably inept and incompetent, were unable to fit my present sent kindly by Chrissi through the letterbox. They attempted to redeliver it the week later, but strangely enough my letterbox had not grown by then. Today I got around to discovering where the Sorting Office was (having to go to the Post Office first to direct me). And eventually I triumped! And it was worth all my endeavours, for included in the parcel awaiting me was none other than a Scooby Doo DVD! Scooby Doo: Pirates Ahoy! Pirates and Scooby Doo. You can't beat it.

Truly a fantastic reward for a treasure trail like no other.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Blog A Day Keeps Laziness At Bay

There's actually not much to report from today, as yesterday's blog was done very early in the morning so didn't actually contain much of yesterday's news. However, in the latest burst of activity I am determined to keep this run of regular blogging going.

Today I have finished my ironing. Hurrah. Just in time to need to do another load of washing, and the ironing that will inevitably accompany it. I'm beginning to understand how the guy pushing the rock up the hill for all eternity felt.

Oh, and I was dead right with my pizza analysis. It was delicious and fantastic and cooked to perfection. Ace.

Back In The Swing Of Things

I seem to have rediscovered the knack of this blogging lark. That's three blogs in three days, I do hope everyone that isn't reading is enjoying this sudden barrage of activity and updates.

Not that I've honestly been updating people on much that's been going on. Today my day was filled with the excitement of ironing (ooooh, I hear you say) and trying to batter my sleeping patterns into something approaching normallacy (still failing on that one). I am also about to make myself a quite magnificent pizza, which will be delicious and fantastic in equal measure. Confused sleeping patterns are playing havoc with my daily routine so my meals are at odd hours.

Anyway, that's it for today's update from Slumberland. More tomorrow, maybe!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Holy Addictive Episodes, Batman!

Well, if my blog yesterday somehow didn't get spotted for what it was (although the chances of it being read by anyone were fairly slim, admittedly), I have gotten hooked on YouTube watching the classic and unparalleled 1960s Batman TV series, with Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin. It's unrivalled for how fantastic it is. I've not seen them for years, and they're awesome.

I have spent approximately 18 hours over the weekend watching the various episodes uploaded onto YouTube. They're absolutely fantastic, and are utterly unparalleled. What worries me is that I could remember two of the endings from at least ten years ago. Including the exact line as to how Batman caught False Face in one of the episodes.

I highly, highly recommend anyone checks them out. There are some fantastic lines in all of those shows. One of my favourite lines was a superb one - albeit taken a little out of context - from 'A Horse of Another Colour'.

Batman: 'Your odds haven't been too good this afternoon Penguin.'
Robin: 'But five men against one girl is ridiculous!'
Batgirl: 'Oh I'm enjoying it! Don't bother!'

I also randomly include an amusing compilation video of Batgirl from the show which I found linked from some of the others.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Biff! Wap! Sock! Whack! Kapow!

Could it be? Has our venerable own Slumberland been washed under with a crime wave? Is there more to our days disappearing than we first thought? Is some criminal mastermind behind this? And what are the caped crusaders doing in Slumberland? Find out tomorrow ... same bat-site, same bat-blog.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Into February

It's February now. It snowed on Thursday. The snow went on Friday. Snow on the seafront looks weird. Fact. I have little of interest to actually say. So, instead, as is my usual style, here is an amusing picture to fill the gap:

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Striding Boldly Into February

Well, because I was rather busy throughout January and then lazy for the majority of the time I wasn't busy, I never got around to actually writing any blog entries. I planned to do one yesterday so I wouldn't miss out on January. But I never did.

To summarise what's been missed in the past month or so of missing updates: Chrissi arrived fine, albeit in fog. Christmas was good. Generally had a nice time. Chrissi went back, bah humbug. I went back to university. I've spent time trying to work out what the hell my dissertation thesis proposal is and submitting ideas that don't work and trying again ad nauseum.

So, in the absence of a better summary, I'll instead provide a hilarious clip shown to me today, from classic gameshow Catchphrase: