Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Shops Need a 'Psychic Purchases' Helpdesk

Time Asleep Last Night - 02:11
Time Rudely Awaken This Morning- 08:41
Time Returning To Sleep - 08:52
Time Properly Awoken - 11:19

Another day passes, another day gone in the world with all it's many happenings. Another day closer to the future. Although technically we are always closer to the future than we were before, by it's very definition. The whole concept of the future is rather silly. People talk about what they want in "the future" as if it's some hazy place in the distance, shimmering on the horizon like a giant mirage. When the future equally applies to something in five minutes' time. I've no idea why I've taken this sudden detour onto the realities of time and it's fragile existence, and why we fail to appreciate it, but hopefully it's enlightening for you.

This morning I was rudely awoken before the proper time, as the timestamps indicate, by my sister demanding money for the bus because she'd overlsept and missed her lift into work. I've always got to love how she never has money herself for these sorts of things. I suppose it makes me some sort of great person who's always there to help. Or perhaps I'm just organised. Who knows.

The title of today's entry is really a comment on how silly the suggestions that you should be able to buy someone a present without them actually telling you what it is they want. You're expected to turn such helpful comments as "I don't know!" or "Oh, anything!" into fully gift-wrapped presents, preferably with a bow and ribbon too. So I'm declaring my intentions to do nothing of the sort of guessing, and not going out to buy anything until I'm told what it is people want, instead of making wild stabs in the dark. Yes, this does mean I will be shopping on Christmas Eve. At the last minute. No, I don't care. It's their fault if they don't get what they want for not telling me sooner.

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