Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day One of Three

So today saw me back at work - an inevitably tedious experience! It does seem a little rich complaining about work when (a) there are only three days this week and (b) Chrissi would love to have these complaints. Instead, I will grumble about Sky.

The reason for this grumbling is that they were supposed to be coming tomorrow to install our phone and internet. However, they never had our address down correctly, misplacing us at 2 instead of 2b. All the pre-installation work was therefore for the wrong address. After speaking to them on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and receiving three different stories I called them again on Thursday evening.

What transpired then was a frustrating tale over an hour and seventeen minutes. I spoke to four different people, suffered three cases of their computer crashing and one unbelievable occurrence of being placed on hold for 15 minutes. The end result was a new order, many apologies and a new installation date - 16th May. This may be postponed still further if I can't get the afternoon off work.

Not the most auspicious start.

1 comment:

Relaya said...

-hugs for ya both- Thus is the way cable woes usually go for us.