Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Freedom

I have definately settled back into this blogging routine. I intend to make more of a habit of it again. Today I have had the benefit of a day off work. Something to do with some wedding, I wasn't really paying attention.

While today naturally met with my full-on republican ire (American readers please note the small 'r') there were still positive notes. I roll my eyes whole-heartedly at street parties, but at one Chrissi and I walked past it was at least nice to see people gathering together as a neighbourhood. Shame it's for such a pitiful reason!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day Three of Three

So today represented the last day of this short week. Little to report from today so instead I will talk about yesterday evening. After work Chrissi and I met my sister Rachel and her boyfriend Chris. We went for dinner in Surbiton - which was very pleasant.

One thing that did get confirmed today was my annual leave request for the aftenoon the Sky engineer was due to come and install our phone and internet. This should mean that the May 16th date is now set in stone! No counting chickens yet on this one however - for obvious reasons!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day One of Three

So today saw me back at work - an inevitably tedious experience! It does seem a little rich complaining about work when (a) there are only three days this week and (b) Chrissi would love to have these complaints. Instead, I will grumble about Sky.

The reason for this grumbling is that they were supposed to be coming tomorrow to install our phone and internet. However, they never had our address down correctly, misplacing us at 2 instead of 2b. All the pre-installation work was therefore for the wrong address. After speaking to them on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and receiving three different stories I called them again on Thursday evening.

What transpired then was a frustrating tale over an hour and seventeen minutes. I spoke to four different people, suffered three cases of their computer crashing and one unbelievable occurrence of being placed on hold for 15 minutes. The end result was a new order, many apologies and a new installation date - 16th May. This may be postponed still further if I can't get the afternoon off work.

Not the most auspicious start.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Four Day Weekend #1

So today marks the last day of the four-day long bank holiday weekend. Or I should say, the first four-day bank holiday weekend as next weekend is also four days long. Yes, this does mean that I have a mere three days to work this coming week.

This weekend was spent in Chester, which was very pleasant. Dad and Gill are looking to move up there in the next year or so and had an apartment for the long weekend. As they had two rooms Chrissi and I went up to join them.

Over the course of the weekend we saw some of Chester for a couple of days, in addition to trips to both Liverpool and North Wales. The weather was lovely throughout and it was a very enjoyable and relaxing few days.

On the return journey we picked up some new flat-pack furniture. This may very well prove to be the tale of next weekend!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

New Abode

This blog is the first of many to be written from our new home. One of the many overdue updates I had neglected to give was that Chrissi and I had been successful in our quest for a new place to live, and yesterday was moving in day.

So far the progress on our new home has been slow. We did manage to note everything over, and the bed is the one item of furniture that was reassembled where it will stay. The rest of the home plays host to a set of suitcases and collection of flat-pack furniture boxes from Ikea. This will be today's challenge - the only achievement on that front is the part-assembly of a chest of drawers. It is nearly complete, I am simply missing the tack hammer to attach the back.

One thing we are lacking is the internet. We didn't get around to organising this until the end of last week, so it's going to be towards the end of April that we get all that sorted. At least we will be able to use the time to get everything else sorted out before the internet comes to reassert its dominion over our free time!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Morning Woes

This morning I have a spare 10 minutes to blog, an annoyance courtesy of my bus going past three minutes early while I was still putting on my shoes. I'll be getting the next bus in about 15 minutes to get a slightly later train instead.

My blogging has not progressed much of late, and neither has my flashback theme. This was going to be ruthlessly plundered to cover more of the backstory of the past few weeks, detailing events which I had otherwise forgotten to mention. However, all that has happened in the meantime is that I have added further things which need to be written about!

So to summarise - last weekend I was in Barcelona for a colleague's stag do, more of which will be told in time. This coming weekend Chrissi and I are moving house. This is probably everything, but it seems like a lot more - probably because of everything involved in the latter!

Tonight we're headed to IKEA to do some scouting before a full run this weekend. We'll see how it goes.