Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Flashback: Saturday

As I missed a couple of events I actually wanted to blog about, I will instead resort to employing the age-old TV strategy to incorporate a past event into a current timeline - the flashback.

This flashback takes us back in time to this past Saturday, when Chrissi and I were entertaining friends for dinner. This has been planned for the first weekend after Chrissi arrived, three weeks previous - however, there was a flaw in this plan. Chrissi was ill that weekend so we had to unfortunately cancel and rearrange.

This was not in vain however, as we still had a very enjoyable and succesful night on Saturday. All of my home friends (that still live here) could make it, which was a promising start. I cooked a most excellent curry - in fact, I cooked two curries, one being a chicken korma and one a generic mild curry. I could call it many different names but really it wasn't any of them.

It all went very well and it was good to see people. Chrissi's desert was also excellent, and she has been baking again this week - apple pies - which puts me in trouble with work, but they really are not the sort of dish you can take on an hour-and-a-half commute in the morning without something going badly wrong and them arriving in a significantly worse condition than they departed!

1 comment:

Relaya said...

Awww... c'mon. Give it a try. :P And take before and after pics. :P