Thursday, January 29, 2009

One way street

This is a comment I've made before and a comment I almost certainly will make again, considering how this is by no means the first time it has happened.

However, I'm starting to get pissed off with one-sided friendships and the equivalent, where I wonder just why I bother even putting in effort. It makes me wonder at some points how much people are just trying to be polite.

I'd frankly find it a lot simpler and easier, as well as far more honest, if people had the decency to at least tell me to my face not to waste my time. Because right now, I'd rather not do so, as I've had enough.

Perhaps playing the role as second-tier backup is my natural personality, but I'm going to be damned if I at least don't know it.

1 comment:

Emmie-lou said...

Oh this aimed at anyone in particular?