Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Progress Update

So, I set myself some goals for February. So far I think I'm not completely underperforming, and am doing okay in some of them.

The nice thing about lots of small goals is that it's always easy to achieve some of them, so you have positive reinforcement and avoid the complete disenchantment and demotivation of not achieving some grand goal. Baby steps and all that malarky.

I'll provide a full update on the 1st March.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Teetotal Fridays

I made a brief allusion to this via Facebook on Saturday. The fact being, that I myself - as you all know - do not drink. This naturally means that when going out after work on a Friday, I'll generally have a coke instead of an alcoholic beverage.

What this usually results in is me having 3-4 glasses of coke (which I'm trying to narrow down on from pints to a bottle to aid in this) over the course of an evening. This in turn generally results in me coming home, having had lots of caffiene, fully awake. This is actually really annoying in the long term.

I end up staying up late on a Friday, getting up late on a Saturday, as a result staying up late on a Saturday and getting up late on Sunday. Most of my weekend disappears because of these bizarrely shifted hours and I never get much accomplished, especially in the mornings when I'm still sleeping!

End conclusion is that teetotalism is as bad for your Saturday mornings as drinking is.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The World We Live In

I got a huge chuckle this morning when reading in the Metro the reaction to the Archbishop of Canterbury's bumblings about Sharia law. I don't have a copy with me, alas, but it was along the lines of this.

"Bishops have reported masses of e-mails from confused clergy asking just what they do about it".

Wait a second. E-mails from confused clergy? I don't know why, but there's something about this that you cannot square with religion. What sort of religious organisation communicates by e-mail? They should send it by letter. Perhaps courier. Pigeon at a stretch. Not by freaking e-mail. Even telephoning shouldn't be happening, unless it's one of those old-style telephones that weigh 30 tonnes and have five different pieces you have to hold together to speak.

I mean, seriously - e-mail?

Saturday, February 02, 2008

February Resolutions?

As far as resolutions go, February is not a traditional time. But January was shattering for me, and I was busy first with Chrissi here, then with work, so didn't have time to actually get down to some good old resolving.

Anyway, I'm here now, and that's what matters. As mentioned on my most recent blog, I have a few goals for myself this year. I'm going to set some remarkably low key ones for February, but this is also with the realisation that I might actually meet them.

I'll post them up here as an extra motivational tool, listed in no particular order:
  1. Do more exercise. Walk at least five miles one day each weekend.

  2. Snack less. Make myself a lunch each day and eat it, and don't buy anything extra to eat with it.

  3. Make an attempt at learning to drive again.

  4. Make sure I can finish each weekend by having something that I've done and can say I've achieved come Monday morning.

  5. Make more of a social effort. Attempt to at least do something once a week outside the usual.
As I said, not spectacular, but achievable. Smart targets and all that jazz, you know.