Monday, December 31, 2007

Reading Comprehension Level

I hope you don't think I'm picking on you Vicky with this, but this really made me laugh. I suppose I'm causing people not to comment now if I mock the comments they make, but this has to be said! I type the word 'Chrissi' about three times in every post for the last week. It's there on the page. Quite clearly. So when you reply to a comment ... an extra e goes on the end? Where does it come from?!

I know it's a common spelling of the name, but please. When I have it written everywhere without it, I'd have thought someone might've gotten the hint. Maybe not. Ah well ...

In other more interesting news, I was up a large part of last night due to being unable to sleep. This was due to predominantly a pulled muscle in my chest, most likely from coughing. Hardly the most strenuous activity, but hey. Evidently that's the supreme level of fitness I have. A short splutter is enough to knock out half of the muscles in my body.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


I went shopping and actually looked for new clothes today. This is rare enough to actually warrant an update all by itself. It's borderline non-existent. Chrissi went with me and tolerated it. She's even less pro-shopping than I am.

Work tomorrow, hurrah! Feels like I shouldn't be going to work as Chrissi is here - Chrissi here should mean holiday. I'll let work know. They'll understand.

Run Continues

Because I don't want to spoil my recent run of blog-a-day, I am making this quick comment at 1:35am. Chrissi is here now. Hurrah!

This admittedly makes all my blogs for the next fortnight rather pointless as she is the only one who reads them, but hey! That's not the main reason I do it. It's for the sense of fulfillment/futility/delete as appropriate.

Friday, December 28, 2007

180 Degrees

Today put me in mind of something a year and a half ago which I also blogged about. Readers with keen memories may recall this post back in August last year. Even those without them will now be prompted as I just provided a link.

Anyway, gist was I was pissed, walked out and just went for a walk not knowing where I was going or what I was doing. Roll forward to today, and a similar scenario. Irritated, or rather peeved at something silly, I opted to go for a walk. There's not much better at clearing your head then a good walk in the fresh air. But the contrast was spectacular to me. A year and a half ago I hadn't known where I was going, what I was doing, was kinda low and generally frustrated. Today, I went for a walk and knew exactly what I was doing, where I was going, and felt extremely upbeat and not fretting about things.

I make this point to illustrate the surprising fact - I know what I'm doing now. And where I'm going. Which is, without sounding too dramatic, probably the first time in my life I've really been that clear about it all.


Five in five. Impressive.

For today, honestly see Monday. Attempted improvements from myself were way too muted and really felt awkward and out of place. Which in turn felt really, really strange.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

One And A Half Centuries

My recent spate of blogging has put me up to the 150 mark for blogs. A perhaps dubiously impressive landmark. Anyway, I'm quite getting into this blogging lark once more.

I don't have too much to say, so instead I'm going to comment on one of the more amusing things I've heard this year. This being that on updating my facebook profile picture, Chrissi observed that I looked hot in that picture. This is one of the most hilarious things I've heard this year. I attach said picture for proof of how absurd this premise is.

Okay, she's biased, she's supposed to say that. I still disagree though. However, attempting to prove my point by seeking a second opinion to agree with me, and selfishly they sided with Chrissi. I'm still insisting I'm right on this one, and not fishing for compliments at all because I am reluctant to believe that this could even be the case! For me, it doesn't sit quite square with the perception I have of myself. Perhaps my perception needs updating.

Anyway, amusing enough that I felt compelled to share it with the one person who reads this, which is Chrissi anyway and so already knew about this.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well, it's that time of year again, time to give thanks for two days off work. A fairly quiet Christmas for me this year, as is indicated by the fact that I'm here blogging as opposed to at some raucous celebration. I hope all of you out there are having an enjoyable time with family, friends or whoever else you're spending the day with.

Also, three days in a row of entries. Be impressed.

Monday, December 24, 2007

A Blog A Day Has No Proven Medicinal Benefits

However, it does keep the news relatively fresh which is always a good thing.

Today's main newsflash is that I have had the afternoon off work (hurrah) due to it being Christmas Eve. The latter news is shocking, I'm sure. It doesn't require much date manipulation to work out what tomorrow is either.

I could make a seasonally themed blog. However, that's going to be entirely out of character with me. Instead, I'm going to comment as to how it seems that my life is changing quite a lot. Especially over the last three and a half months or so since I've been working and so forth, there've been a lot of changes for those of you who have been paying close attention. This currently encompasses one reader, who to be fair is the only one to really get that chance.

Anyway, it's odd to meet up with other people who you haven't seen for a while and seem to completely not fit in or feel as if you perhaps should not fit in because of this. Priorities changing, people changing. Perhaps I'm even growing up, who knows.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Two Or Six Days To Go

Hi, it's me again. Noone reads this any more, so the purpose of blogging is little more than one of talking out loud. Nice to do, regardless. Even though I don't do it as much as I should.

As the ever-so-uncryptic title of this entry denotes, it's two days to Christmas, or alternatively for my focus, six days to the alternative festivities of Chrissimas. In other words, yes, Chrissi is flying in for New Years and so forth for a couple of weeks. This rebranding to mark the occasion either passes for marketing or for being very droll, I am unsure which yet. Regardless, I've used it before and am sticking with it.

In other news, office Christmas party was on Friday, my first of such noted events. It was surprisingly not as crap as may have been predicted, accompanied by the hilarious concept of a fork buffet (when a finger buffet just isn't enough!) and your typical generic live band. One nagging worry is that by virtue of not drinking, you lack an excuse if you venture/are dragged onto what passes for the dancefloor. For some reason I always seem to end up there despite it being very far from my natural habitat. If you drink, you can claim inebriation. I think this is quite unfair.

On the bright side, I only have to work half a day tomorrow by virtue of it being Christmas Eve. This sounds ace. Means I can have a productive afternoon ... in theory. In reality, it means spending a couple of hours in the pub instead, and racing back before the shops close to finish off that last item.

Oh, if anyone still reads this, drop a comment on. If there's actually a response I might up the ante and blog more than once a millenium.

Monday, December 17, 2007

A Wee Bit Nippy

So, Glasgow. Not the warmest of places, really.

I'm in Glasgow Airport, one of the scenic wonders of the world right now. This is an exaggeration, or more strictly speaking a bare faced lie. Not that I'm not in Glasgow Airport - I am - but the splendour around me is, well, non-splendourous. It's also cold here. About freezing, give or take a few degrees. Nice weather to stand outside in the cold for half an hour waiting for a taxi that'll be there in five minutes. I just love taxis.

I'm here in the cold northern wastes because of work. Sometimes I am not a fan of work. It seems to send me to silly places for no good reason, like today where I spent most of my time here sitting behind a desk doing my usual work, but taking more time to do it because instead of turning to the person next to me, I was at the other end of the country.

However, it has been full of contrasts. For example, this morning I had a really nice Easyjet flight. A freak, I am sure. I also met lots of non-grumpy Glaswegians, evidently stereotyping has done them a disservice.

Twenty seconds left on this internet, so off I go.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


One thing I've been meaning to post for a couple of days is about a song I've recently found that I really like. Song in question is The Clash - This Is England. It's a really impressive disillusioned song with the England of the 1980s. The sort of song that makes you think of words like 'poignant'. I recently got the albums I talked about back in June, Essential Clash and The Who - Then And Now. Both are superb. Anyway, do listen to This Is England if you can, it is a superb song and well worth listening to.

Anyway, the contrast is because yesterday the papers were hysterical with vitriolic patriotic sentiment because we are apparantly on the European continent - I know, who knew? The Sun was particularly impressive with their headline 'We Shall Never Surrender' - original, I know, no idea where they came up with that from. Daily Express possibly trumped it with their comically crazy headline 'Mr Bean Signs Away Our Freedom'. I just find the whole thing laughable, and almost borderline hysterical. The fits of rage that the tabloids get into when you mention anything foreign, let alone agreeing with foreigners is bizarre.

Sometimes I really wish we weren't on an island and could stop this ludicrous cherade continued by the papers and the more neanderthal of the population that we are somehow not part of Europe and our own little special part of the world. When you see things like the headlines like yesterday, words like 'special' seem particularly apt descriptors.