Friday, June 15, 2007

Overdue Rant

This is a post I wanted to make ages ago, because it annoys the hell out of me. But it's the consequence of another conversation a little while ago, which reminded me to complain about this.

One of the things that drives me crazy is the constant tabloid screams whenever speed cameras are put up; the whole concept about how they're not there to reduce speeds, they're there to make money, and that it represents a stealth tax on motorists.

No! It does NOT! It represents a tax on criminals! How hard is this to understand?

When you speed, you are doing what is technically known as 'breaking the law'. Now, everyone does it, and that's obvious - it's one of those laws that is not really observed strictly, but it's still a law. And when you get caught, you're still a criminal, because that's technically what you are if you break the law.

Do you get any of the same sensationalist headlines when the fines for carrying a knife around are raised? 'KNIFE USERS IN STEALTH TAX' - yes, I can see the Daily Mail headline now, lambasting the government for taxing the poor middle class white families working in their kitchens with knives. Of course it doesn't. Because it's STUPID. Because people understand that it's targeted at people breaking the law.

Why can't people make this leap of logic with speed cameras? What is so hard about it?

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