Saturday, June 16, 2007

I Suppose An Actual Update Is Warranted

Considering that I've not been giving any updates since I returned from university, I suggest that one may be in order.

Obviously since I've been back I have been looking for permanent work. I attended a graduate fair in London last week, which was very helpful and got me started in the right direction. I got a fair few ideas to at least start on employment directions, and a few graduate training schemes as well.

Since then I've been filling my day with exciting tasks such as writing my CV, rewriting my CV and composing covering letters. I've applied to several jobs and graduate schemes and have effectively cleared my collection of promising positions I found at the graduate fair. The next task is to start collecting more vacancies to apply for - so looking online, setting my CV up on websites, checking the paper and just going through the hard slog that is looking for work.

It's not exciting, it's not interesting, but it has to be done I suppose. Well, I could technically just claim benefits forever, but it seems like a waste of four years of studying and a lot of money to sit around the house doing nothing all day.

Anyway, update given. Hopefully the fact that I've written a post over two paragraphs won't intimidate some people who will remain nameless away from reading because it's too long for their poor brains to handle.

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

You forgot the room remodeling! Hrrm....not sure the next time I'll get to see it, so you'll have to take a picture of the finished product and send it to me :)