Monday, May 14, 2007

Moments of Clarity

Sometimes it's odd how things take you. When you're at a certain state of mind, and it's just right for something else to hit you and have an effect, to take on an extra meaning and really either motivate you or throw things into perspective.

It'll come as no surprise to most of you that I've not been sleeping properly of late, this is admittedly neither new nor different. I've probably not been working on my thesis as much as I should have done because I've slipped into a partially self-defeating spiral where I'm convinced it's not going to work and because of this I don't work as hard as I should, and so on. I'm spending time worrying about things instead of being productive and actually addressing worries and dealing with them.

And so at the moment, it's 5:14 am according to the computer clock, and a song just came on in a clip I was watching that made me think and snap out of it for a few minutes. And I feel more awake, with it, determined and focused than I have done in probably two-three weeks because of it.

Of course because it's so early in the morning I can't do half of the things I know I need to - washing, shopping, etc. But things seem more like they're in place.

1 comment:

Lorelei said...

*nuzzles gently and waves her go Andrew go flag*

Love you! I really hope this determination helps. I believe it will ^_^