Thursday, May 31, 2007

Catching Up

Well, it's probably due a bit of a catchup on what's been happening to me since my last pre-trip blog.

As I mentioned, Chrissi had some family staying with her this time, with her mother and aunt coming with her. This meant I had to act as tour guide for them most of the time, which was a little tiring and wearing. They were not exactly natural tourists, which got to me a little at times - I'm used to travelling, so think that it shouldn't be that much effort to at least know what the currency of the country you're in is and so on.

We ended up doing the typical things that you see and do on a visit to London - tourist sites, Tower of London, Greenwich Observatory, Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Hampton Court Palace, boat ride down the Thames, and of course not forgetting the unmissable conversation with irritating tweenage girls who think they're being so clever and funny by being annoying and talking to you.

It was a good week - if rather tiring!

1 comment:

Russell said...

You deleted my comment. That hurts.