Anyway, as the title cryptically hints at, I have now gone from being an -and to an -ate. Crazy as I sound, this is technically true. This of course refers to Congregation, Graduation and the general fact that I am no longer a graduand and am now officially a graduate.
Congregation was on Tuesday, and a fine Tuesday it was too - sunny day, probably birds singing in the trees if you like that sort of thing - and as poetic as I'm being I'm meandering like a river through a silty plain.
It was generally good; all very official and ceremonial, as you would expect from a ceremony. Spent time chatting to people before and after, and then we all got officially called forward to shake the hand of the Chancellor and be conferred with our degrees, which was duly done without even tripping over the two steps up to the mini-stage where he was stood.
We then had an address from the Chancellor - Chancellor being, if you do not know, Bill Bryson, this was entertaining and amusing and also short and to the point; two valid qualities that this post could take a lesson from. Not that qualities give lessons, but if they could, these would be two that should.
If anyone is exceptionally bored, they can look at a picture of me at Congregation, which is below. The robe doesn't show up too well. Tragic, really. Also, the sun is rather too bright. Besides all that, it's a great photo. If you are not scarred at first glance, then feel free to click it for a larger version.