Sunday, March 26, 2006

Saturday Malaise?

Time Asleep Last Night: 02:56
Time Awake This Morning: 12:29
Yesterday's DAR: 8PP
Today's DAR: 6PP

I'm going to strike out in a new direction from the general theme of our collective blogging today, and say that I don't actually feel Saturdays are much different from the rest of them. Then again, it should be pointed out that with my average activity, Saturdays aren't that different from the rest of the week for me anyway, so that could explain it.

I also promised an update on the kitchen progress. Well, Kevin the Kitchen Fitter arrived yesterday, and is actually a guy probably in his mid-40s as opposed to a lazy sulking teenager. The surprises are endless. So Kevin removed all of the old units, which are now awaiting me to smash them up (sounds fun) in the back garden, and started to put new units in instead. Annoying thing is lack of work surfaces which means now the living room table and the floor becomes a work surface, trays abound aplenty and there is general chaos in residence. Apart from that, things progress smoothly.

Oh, entertaining event to relate to you about now. For no apparant reason, today my Dad decided that he wanted to upload his pictures from his trip to Cuba (in November) to the computer. And spent several minutes in puzzled bemusement as to why precisely there was a picture of a caramel slice at the end of his holiday pictures.

Only real news from the last day or so is that I have obtained tickets (that someone else purchased and then couldn't use) for myself and Chrissi to see Less Than Jake at the London Astoria in a fortnight's time. Pretty snazzy, as I never get around to organising myself enough to book tickets for gigs, and I've not been to one since I saw LTJ at Camden back in the June before University; so coming up on three years ago. Should be good stuff, I'd be hoping, they're a great live band so should be good fun to go see - and at £28 for the two combined it's bargainacious as well.

Apparantly the clocks go forward tonight, which is always fun. At least something is moving forward. This reminds me of the old adage 'spring forward, fall back' which is how you are supposed to remember which way the clocks go.

In other news, I don't think I have yet linked to Acts of Gord, an absolutely superb and amusing site where you can waste a good hour or so at least. It's an account of an independently owned game store in Canada, all the idiots this owner [Gord] has to deal with, and how he ignores all the standard principles of customer care while doing so. Such as in this snippet which I found to demonstrate.

"I'll take my business elsewhere."
Would you mind? I would appreciate that

Definately worth a read and a bookmark.


vix said...

Andy (ooops, at first I mistakenly wrote Ansy... which I quite like as a nickname for fact) Ansy... I am continually impressed by the length of your blogs. Good work! Also, well done Kevin for seemingly excellent progress after a bumpy beginning. Also hahahaha about your Dad and the caramel slice picture. Very funny. Anyway, I'm watching a documentary about the creation of the recent Thunderbirds movie... fascinating stuff, so tara! xx

vix said...

Hahahaha... just a quick one for your pernickety minded selves (this is for Tim too...). The documentary makers were interviewing the Thunderbirds film's location manager about a scene in which T2 flies under London's Tower Bridge....

Doc. maker: Has anyone ever flown under Tower Bridge before?
Location manager: Never. I believe in 1940 a small bi-plane flew under...

Hahahahaha... what fools! Ridiculous fools! There. All for you.

Emmie-lou said... did you explain about the caramel slice...I want to know more!

Andrew_tM said...

I explained the full story of the caramel slice and the root of your jealousy of my superior baked goodness access.