Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh, Now I Remember

Having just made my update for the day, I remembered something I had been planning to mention - and then obviously, by it's evident omission, forgot to actually mention. So here we go.

Has anyone else noticed how much easier it is to talk about things online; whether via instant message, or leaving a message for people to read? I'm sure there's something psychological about it; it feels less like you are exposing yourself to others, more like you are writing down something for your own reference. The act of writing down something in itself helps you connect better with it; however, when it's purpose is for sharing, it seems also strange. It is a useful medium to get something off your chest, even to yourself, with others listening.

I notice this because after my post on Sunday, and the notes in both Vicky's and Tim's blog recently which were more getting rid of frustrations than actually something for others to read (although both did include disclaimers not to read it). And mine was definately a note to myself that I just wanted to write down somewhere.

The same is true on MSN (and similar). I suppose it's easier because you don't have the same face-to-face awkwardness; you can take your time and write what you want in the way you want to say it. You don't have to look at the person or hear them, you can just communicate, without any problems.

Another random point for discussion. This in fact probably fits my definition of a post just to myself, and if anyone else happens to read it, hey, bonus points.


Emmie-lou said...

I quite agree andy. I have had many a deep and meaningful conversation via msn, knowing that I don't have to actually face the person and I suppose allowing me to deny the fact that I've just let somebody in to my inner most thoughts. If you ever wish to have any future deep and meaningfuls...you know where I am. :-)

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

hmmmm very interesting (and true). An insightful blog thats length did it credit, without overdoing it. I dont know why-i seem to have taken to writing review style comments...anyways i do agree, and am worried by your apparent business

vix said...

Yes, I totally agree also... there is something about the faceless-ness of MSN/Blogs that really let you vent/let it all out... I wonder what it'd be like if we all had webcam...

Andrew_tM said...

To give a different slant though, if things are going badly talking online, say, on MSN, then it's harder to fix them. Everything is so hard to tell the tone of voice and how sincere something is that it's impossible to work through any argument or similar in such a way - or at least very hard to do so.

vix said...

Andy... quick question... why does your blog leave a huge gap at the top??? Its an annoying waste of space... fill it with your wonderful witticisms, please!

Emmie-lou said...

Yes!...WHY the space?