Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Theory Is Refined Further

Time Asleep Last Night: 04:52
Time Awake This Morning: 07:51
Time Properly Awake Today: 11:56
Daily Activity Rating: 8PP

I was going to update this with a message saying I'd done absolutely nothing of any interest today whatsoever, when I came upon a realisation in a flaw in my theory of AZA. If we postulate that the average person is awake for only a certain number of hours every day, then we can conclude that they can only obtain an AZA rating for the hours they are awake.

The average person sleeps 8 hours a day. This means that in an average day, there is no greater attainable AZA rating than 67PP. In an abnormal day, for example represented by a mere 6 hours sleep or at the other end of the scale 12 hours of sleep, we could have the alternative 'caps' if you will of 75PP and 50PP respectively.

What this means is that we must calculate our AZA ratings for the entire period of twenty-four hours; otherwise the comparison is invalid. It is illogical for someone who, to take a ludicrous example, have been frenetic [95PP] for a period of 2 hours and asleep for 22; and to have the same activity rating as someone who has been highly active [75PP] for a period of 12 hours, and asleep for 12 hours. By calculating with regards to an entire twenty-four hour period, the first would have an AZA rating of 8PP and the latter 38PP; hence restoring the balance as appropriate.

I will use this method for all my future blog entries.

I had finished this when I realised I neglected to include, as promised, the link I had talked about yesterday. Test your reaction speed and tranquilise sheep while you're about it!

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