Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Slave to the Daily Publishing Routine

Time Asleep Last Night: 4:53
Time Awake This Morning: 11:59
Daily Activity Rating: 15PP

Little of interest happened today. Notice this recurring theme? Well, me too.

Real reason for today's entry is to show you the following humourous image, entitled 'Little Chelsea'. Some excellent photoshopping work here.

Current Earth Geocide Count: 0

Time Asleep Last Night: 05:31
Time Awake 'This Morning': 14:36
Daily Activity Rating: 8PP

Don't have a major update for today; but I wanted to link you to the following brilliant site that I was shown today. Click the absolutely superbly informative and useful image for the link.

This should ease your anxiety.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Token Daily Update

Time Asleep "Last Night": 06:51
Time Awoken This Morning: 11:58
Daily Activity Rating: 24PP

Insomnia sucks. And I can't play tennis. These two are both facts, proved by the last 24 hours. Bleh.

Random comment to make this slightly longer: I really recommend you read Questionable Content, an excellent webcomic that I've been keeping up to date with for at least a year, and has over 400 comics in its archives. Well worth reading if you've got a free afternoon; updated every weekday too. Yeah, plug over.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Nocturnalism For The Win

Time Asleep Last Night: 04:53
Time Randomly Awoken By Alarm For No Reason: 08:02
Time Actually Awoken: 11:15
Daily Activity Rating: 13PP

I'm now semi-nocturnal. I'd just like to share this with you. Thanks for listening.

In other news, I'm irritated with myself for what I always do - think of a betting result, not put a bet on, lose out on a big return for it.

I was putting bets on the Everton-Chelsea match last night. I had two possibly thoughts and scorers - McFadden and Beattie, and 1-1 and 1-0 to Everton. I decided to plump for 1-1 which seemed the most likely result, and Beattie as first scorer, but McFadden was a close second. Odds were 50/1 on Beattie first scorer and 1-1, 60/1 for McFadden first scorer and 1-1.

A nice return for a 50p stake regardless. I put on only one, Beattie to score first and 1-1. I listen to the team news after kickoff and discover Beattie isn't playing. Well bugger. To add insult to injury, literally, McFadden scores first and the result finishes 1-1. Well, that was £30 I'll never see because I don't pay attention in advance. Typical.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Theory Is Refined Further

Time Asleep Last Night: 04:52
Time Awake This Morning: 07:51
Time Properly Awake Today: 11:56
Daily Activity Rating: 8PP

I was going to update this with a message saying I'd done absolutely nothing of any interest today whatsoever, when I came upon a realisation in a flaw in my theory of AZA. If we postulate that the average person is awake for only a certain number of hours every day, then we can conclude that they can only obtain an AZA rating for the hours they are awake.

The average person sleeps 8 hours a day. This means that in an average day, there is no greater attainable AZA rating than 67PP. In an abnormal day, for example represented by a mere 6 hours sleep or at the other end of the scale 12 hours of sleep, we could have the alternative 'caps' if you will of 75PP and 50PP respectively.

What this means is that we must calculate our AZA ratings for the entire period of twenty-four hours; otherwise the comparison is invalid. It is illogical for someone who, to take a ludicrous example, have been frenetic [95PP] for a period of 2 hours and asleep for 22; and to have the same activity rating as someone who has been highly active [75PP] for a period of 12 hours, and asleep for 12 hours. By calculating with regards to an entire twenty-four hour period, the first would have an AZA rating of 8PP and the latter 38PP; hence restoring the balance as appropriate.

I will use this method for all my future blog entries.

I had finished this when I realised I neglected to include, as promised, the link I had talked about yesterday. Test your reaction speed and tranquilise sheep while you're about it!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

This Just Proves I'm Always Right

Well, I did tell you. Or more specifically I told Tim that whenever I have even thought of having a blog before, it lasts for a week and then vanishes into nothingness. Well, not nothingness, per say, as there is still a relic of it on the internet, a fading memory that will forever be reachable via Webarchive.org.

However, more to the point I haven't updated this for over a month. So I will update it now. In one long entry that is some vain attempt to compensate for a lack of updates for the last month. This will take four distinct periods.

Period 1: Christmas Time

Yes, only I could be updating information about Christmas on January 26th. Which is today's date, if you hadn't realised. My Christmas Eve was enjoyable; spent the evening with family friends. My Christmas Day was less so; was feeling rather ill which was not a good thing. Did however get some nifty presents and some nifty money, both of which came in handy.

The next few days were spent experimenting with my definition of Absolute Zero of Activity. This will be henceforth known as the AZA. If we take an Activity, and rank it on a scale of 0-100, where 0 is AZA and 100 is Absolute Frenetic Activity [AFA], then we have a scale by which relative bouts of activity will be measured. All future blog entries will have an indicator on them with regards to the Activity level (measured in productivity percentage, or PP). During the three days following Christmas, my Activity level was probably at an average of about 4PP. Yes, that bad.

Period 2: Holiday Time

This involved a ten day break with my girlfriend, Chrissi. I will give details approximately, but it involved us staying in London mostly, and also taking one day to go to the bright lights of Paris; which was my surprise Christmas present for her. Although it was rather dull on that day, hardly bright lights. Although I must say that the Eiffel Tower was rather lit up when we saw it, being as it was night and it still had Christmas lights on it.

We also went around London doing standard sightseeing things. It was a very enjoyable break from my daily routine of monotony. Which was the purpose, I suppose. If I can discover where her photos are I will link them in at some point.

My activity rating for this period should probably be measured at about 76PP; while I cannot update every day's records, my sleep patterns varied between awakening at 05:20 and 13:25, while going to bed at between 20:38 and 04:52.

Period 3: Inbetween

This was a week between two weeks. I did nothing. I packed at the last minute on the Saturday morning. I left on Saturday.
Activity rating would average at 13PP, but only because it peaked on the Saturday morning where I was probably topping 90PP for a few hours.

Period 4: University

Well, I'm back. And despite my usual week having 5 hours of compulsary work, plus additional seminars and reading, not to mention the dreaded looming D-word of dissertation, I would suggest that since my return my activity rating has been somewhere between 15-18PP at best. An average week of lectures and seminars would probably register at around 10PP at best, and that is only because of the large peaks, but even then it is for relatively short periods of time and thus is unlikely to be sustained at length over the week.

It's been enjoyable being back, but I have neglected to update my blog. Thanks to Jess and her newly started blog for reinspiring me down this path once more.

Tomorrow's post will be shorter. Honest.