Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The One Where Andrew Doesn't Meet Ron Burgundy

Well, it's now 10:23PM PST, which means it's 6:23AM back home in Blighty, but I have just returned from San Diego so thought that my first thought should be towards my loyal readerbase of two people.

So, my weekend in San Diego. Discovered by the Germans, they named it San Diego, which in German means a whale's vagina. And so continue with the quoting until we get to the worrying singing part, please don't sing, and then back onto the quotes until we reach the end credits.

In the real San Diego I saw neither Ron Burgundy nor any anchormen, anchorwomen or not even anything newsworthy whatsoever. I did, however, have a good time. We went to Seaport Village, which has a lot of really nice shops and interesting little places. That was on Sunday, when we also went to Balboa Park, which has the world-famous San Diego Zoo. Which we saw the car park for but didn't feel like going in. Balboa Park was cool though, weird architecture and buildings and one giant tree. I sound like a Christmas Carol.

On Monday (Labor Day here in the US! Isn't it scary how I'm automatically dropping the 'u' from Labour, much like Tony Blair, har har har, political jokes, they never get old) - yes, Monday we went to the Maritime Museum of San Diego, which was very cool and featured five ships, including the Royal Navy frigate H.M.S. Rose - more famous for being the "H.M.S." Surprise in the film Master and Commander: The Far Side Of The World [In case you're wondering why the inverted commas - it's because the renaming isn't official so it's not been christened as Her Majesty's Ship Surprise so it isn't officially HMS Surprise. Not mere pedantry.] and aboard there were people dressed up as pirates firing water balloons at each other. Now there's a job they sadly never told me about at the career advice things at school.

There was also a Soviet Cold War-era submarine which was rather nifty to look around, as well as an old tea-clipper and some big steamboat thing which was rather inelegant and not as interesting as the other three. I have photos of me standing at the wheel of a ship, and clambering through a hatch in the submarine. These will again be uploaded and links provided once you've read and forgotten about this blog entry.

Today being Tuesday we went to the Gaslamps Quarter, which is supposedly fantastic at night with it all being lit up. Unfortunately the person who recommended it failed to mention that at midday, it looks just like a street. We went to Old Town San Diego following that, which was one of the original settlements built by the Spanish in the Bay. There there was lots of interesting crafty-type shops, and I nearly fainted of sunstroke - it was exceedingly hot today (106F in OC, not sure about in SD though). In the evening we met up with one of Chrissi's friends from High School who lives in San Diego, and that was enjoyable also.

Anyway, this update has become quite long enough and I'll cut it short now before nobody complains, but just because long blogs are just rude and will lead to comments about how they're not rude but only in certain circumstances, oh the pedantry.

Anyway, more processing of my back-catalogue of updates tomorrow.


Emmie-lou said...

gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...good blog!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew!

I randomly stumbled across your blog (well fairly random - I typed in the link) and wanted to congratulate you on it's hysterical humourous-ness. So congratulations then! Also, 'cool' on the whole Andrew/Chrissi thing, I had no idea! 3 & a half years is a rather long time, so nifty, as you might say. Anyway, good luck in your continued quest for Big Ron. Remember, maybe you should be looking for an unshaven, unkempt man drinking a carton of milk whilst crying out in agony,

"It's so damn hot!

Milk was a bad choice!"

Lorelei said...

Your wish is my command! Or something equally as silly (Hey, I had to work today after a long drive home while he slept in! I'm entitled be a little odd.)


San Diego