Saturday, September 02, 2006

The One Where Andrew Provides An Overdue Update

Continuing with the titling theme. I know it's crap but at least it provides continuity. So, having not updated for a whole week I should do so now. Here goes.

Last weekend, from Sunday through to Tuesday, I was in Las Vegas, a city built on sand, broken dreams and $5 lobster; a city where you can get a happy ending but only if you pay a little extra. A city home to a sporting event more lethal than the world series, the world cup and world war two combined, the ADAA Dodgeball Invitational brought to you live on ESPN 8, "The Ocho".

Well, Dodgeball quotes aside, I was actually in Las Vegas [Despite someone not believing me and thinking I was just saying I was to work a Dodgeball quote into the conversation]. Although I didn't see any Dodgeball. Or any pirates, cheerleading contests or anything else referred to in Dodgeball. For those of you who haven't been, it's a weird place to put it mildly. I termed it as a city where everything is cheap except for subtlety, which you have to pay extra. (How else would you term a billboard carried on the back of a truck advertising in full colour HOT GIRLS THAT WANT TO MEET YOU NOW - and you had to call of all numbers 6969696. I mean, subtle!)

Anyway, such comments on subtlety aside, it was an amazing weekend. Our hotel was the Luxor, which was shaped like a giant pyramid. The room was amazing; it had hieroglyphics on the furniture, and the bedspread was like one of those Egpytian paintings you typically see on tomb walls. Chrissi took some photos but I've no idea where she has put them so I can't link you, but I'll come back and edit it in when I do know where they are and when everyone has already read this so they won't read it again.

I did a bit of gambling and was up for a short period, before I lost the small amounts of money I bet. But no surprise there. Apparantly I'm a good luck charm for Chrissi though, whenever I just watched over her shoulder she seemed to win. She ended up about $40 up, which isn't too bad at all! We also saw a funny comedy show as well on the Monday evening.

I should provide a bit of updating for this week, as I now have a backlog of updates. Anyway, this weekend we are going away to San Diego. And I forced her to watch Anchorman this week so I can make crap jokes and references that she will find unamusing the entire weekend. I'll provide info on that when I get back on Tuesday. I also need to provide updates on real life and Pirates (the two are separate - I've not suddenly become a pirate, sadly). So I'll do that when I get back.

Anyway, I'll sign off now before Emma gets irritated at how long this is. Evidently what I provide is longer than she's used to. Har har har.


vix said...

Wow... you're really going for gold on stretching out that long blog irritation thing, huh?

Las Vegas, though... that IS cool... Hope you're having lots of fun, but don't expect to bump into Ron Burgandy anytime soon...

Emmie-lou said...

Lol!! Andy quit with the reference was one time..when you wrote about POKER HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!