Saturday, August 26, 2006

The One Where Andrew Is Finally In The Right Time Zone

Okay, I promised an update on Friday. Well, that's not strictly true, I said there would be one. And there wasn't, so as this is Saturday morning it'll have to suffice - especially as there is no way to go and change it now.

Such rambling aside, as you may have surmised from this post, I am here in the US. It's extremely hot here, as you would expect for California in August. So not a huge surprise there, but still, very warm.

I'm going to be here for three weeks, approximately, as I didn't go into detail about my itinary beforehand. I'm staying at Chrissi's, which is nice, although she is working some days because naturally she can't take a full three weeks off from work.

Anyway, my flight was fine - got in a bit late but no real problems there, wasn't too bad. Security checks at Heathrow were a nightmare and took an age to get through, but I did see some of the Pakistani cricket team flying out so pros and cons. Anyway, I got in about 7pm PST, which is 3am GMT. As a random aside, why do all timezones sound like menstrual issues?

Anyway, yes, was met by Chrissi at the airport and all went well. And she had brought home-made caramel slices! You should now be all a suitably emerald shade of green with envy at that news. They were excellent too, although I haven't eaten them all as to do so would give me thousands of mouth ulcers as they are wonderfully sweet and sticky.

I'll end here before I get the usual complainants (yes, that means you Emma) whining that it's too long. And I'll update at a point in the near future.


Emmie-lou said...

ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...I don't moan!! (unless you write about poker hands for 2000 worsd...)

vix said...

i wasnt stealing your idea. ive watched about 150 hours of friends in two weeks. it has effected me.

affected me?
