Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nowhere Exciting Today

So, after a stream of blogs about where I am and some other interesting content, this one is simply posted from my room, with no travel or anything involved.

Besides a lot of travel yesterday, it was marked chiefly for an immense meal in the evening - met up with Chris & Natalie, Mike and Laura for a meal. The meal was Chinese and met with full approval from all. I still wonder what happened to the party who we were randomly given the reserved table for ... (despite my repeatedly saying we hadn't reserved) ... anyway, peculiar.

The meal was excellent; the duck was superb, as were all other parts. There was about the right amount ordered too, remarkably, even despite Chris' impulsive order of additional satay chicken for everyone.

Chrissi flies home tomorrow to much booing, wailing and gnashing of teeth at her departure.

Today also marks the three hundred and fiftieth blog I've posted. Almost impressive.

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