Friday, January 29, 2010

Better Day

So after several days of frustration at work, which I won't go into, today was a better day.

As a natural planner, I struggle to deal with more random events if I don't put them into a grand plan. If I don't understand how the plan exists - I create a different plan that fits the events, which often is nowhere near the same. This causes difficulties.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Awkward Tribute

I try to avoid overly downbeat posts. However, after reading on Facebook about the death of someone I knew from school, it felt extremely callow to do anything but write about that, especially as the other subject would be complaining about my day.

It's always surprising and shocking to hear of anyone's death. Let alone of someone your own age. There's not much really to say of someone I didn't know that well, but was always nice and friendly when I did ever talk to them. The only thing to say is rest in peace, and may whatever you believe comes after death come to you.

The other thought that is associated with this is the sad lament of the trend towards jingoism. Fay was working in Afghanistan for a charity when she died - fortuitously (if there is ever a way to more misuse a word) of natural causes. You hear on a near daily basis the salute to 'heroes' of troops who die in Afghanistan. The newspapers are filled with tributes to them. Yet nothing on this.

Anyone who willingly puts themselves in a place like this to help others is just as worthy of the label 'hero' - if not more so.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nowhere Exciting Today

So, after a stream of blogs about where I am and some other interesting content, this one is simply posted from my room, with no travel or anything involved.

Besides a lot of travel yesterday, it was marked chiefly for an immense meal in the evening - met up with Chris & Natalie, Mike and Laura for a meal. The meal was Chinese and met with full approval from all. I still wonder what happened to the party who we were randomly given the reserved table for ... (despite my repeatedly saying we hadn't reserved) ... anyway, peculiar.

The meal was excellent; the duck was superb, as were all other parts. There was about the right amount ordered too, remarkably, even despite Chris' impulsive order of additional satay chicken for everyone.

Chrissi flies home tomorrow to much booing, wailing and gnashing of teeth at her departure.

Today also marks the three hundred and fiftieth blog I've posted. Almost impressive.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Return Leg

Our mini-trip comes to a conclusion, as Chrissi and I sit on the train whisking us back to the south.

The Durham leg of our trip was a resounding success. The B&B was excellent, we went for a nice long walk around the town, a lovely meal in the evening and then a very pleasant drink with Durham folk from my final year. We also got to see Tim & Kat's new home - it's still a work in progress, but very nice! It was great to see people again, it's a shame it's such a distance!

This evening we meet up with home folk - or at least with as many as are available - for a meal and possibly a drink after that. Tomorrow we are probably heading up to London for the day - and then that's it, as Chrissi flies back Sunday morning.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stop Two

We are currently preparing to leave Leeds behind us, as we are about to head on up to Durham.

Yesterday we went to York, which was most pleasant. We also went out to a fantastic Chinese restaurant in the evening - overall, a resounding success. The day was completed with a game of sceneit? which I won one of the two. Considering how little I watch any films, this is nothing short of miraculous.

Time to head to the station, more tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In Leeds

As the previous post suggested, I am now in Leeds and staying at Chez Molloy (exciting!).

I have also learnt the excitement of connecting to a LAN from my phone - which means I have faster internet. As always, I have no idea how to actually use this phone, but am gradually learning from Mark.

Today we are possibly going somewhere.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Week's Plans

So, as I have seen Chrissi chcck my blog from her laptop and notice I haven't posted in nearly a week, it's perhaps appropriate for me to post an update.

As the above implies, Chrissi is here. She flew in yesterday after a slightly delayed flight and eventually arrived after her plane got stuck on the runway - I don't have any ideas either how this works.

This week we are off to Leeds and Durham to call in on friends, and for a change of scenery. This has all been planned and booked, and the snow seems to have cleared a little too, which helps. We set off on our journey tomorrow morning. Exciting!

Friday, January 08, 2010

Andrew's Transport Reliability Matrix

After two days working at home (due to snow) I tried to get into work today and at least make the effort. I'd made the effort yesterday, but frustrated by buses that never turned up, I worked at home instead.

Let me summarise my transport methods over the course of the day:

Train: Journey 1
Began at 8:02 Expected to finish at 8:40 Actually finished at 10:08 Verdict EPIC FAIL

Train: Journey 1
Began at 18:16 Expected to finish at 18:56 Actually finished at 19:25 Verdict FAIL

Began at 19:25 Expected to finish at 19:52 Actually finished at 19:52 Verdict COMMENDABLE

Began at 6:56 Expected to finish at 7:56 Actually finished at 7:42 Verdict WINNAH

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Arctic Winter

So this year is being unseasonably cold. Maybe that's true or not, I'm unsure - I looked back to my blogs last year, and I was complaining about the cold also!

However, we have also been given large amounts of snow this year. In addition to the fall just before Christmas, it's snowing again. This'll be just the right amount to cause transport chaos and inconvenience without blocking anything off, meaning long unpleasant journeys.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Statement of the Obvious

So, this is my first blog of the New Year. So far little has happened; a little catching up with people, a little bit of weekend nothingness, a little bit of sleeping, a little bit of work.

Today I got my tickets from the station for the trip Chrissi and I are taking. Fifteen tickets to cover the two of us. Slight overkill, I feel!

Also, it's cold.