Thursday, March 06, 2008

I Doff My Cap ...

... to one specific letter-writer to thelondonpaper, one of the train freebies. The comment was superb, and went along the lines of the following:

"After reading the articles on the same page on TFL getting fares from ghost oyster journeys and Tescos paying pittance for chickens, I was wondering. Money for nothing and chicks for free? Mark Knopfler would be proud."


Monday, March 03, 2008


Believe it or not, today marks six months to the day since I started work.

I have no idea if this seems a lot longer than it actually is, or a lot shorter. I think a bit of both, as usual - it feels like only yesterday I started work, but equally feels like I've been there for a long time and it's become so routine. So don't believe what they tell you kids, working isn't as hard as it's made out to be. And if it is, you get paid anyway so it balances out.

I finish this short post with two fingers at all those who doubted my ability to get up at 6am for six whole months.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Marching Onwards

I'm fairly sure this is not the first time I have started a March-commencing blog with a similar pun. Apologies if it's old. It is.

I somewhat promised a bit of an update on things today, so I'll try and oblige and let you know how I was getting on with my Feb resolutions. If you remember, these were small and simple things I could change to just set myself some goals.

So, how have I done?

1. Walking each weekend. Miserable failure. I've just not had the motivation. Need to work on this one a bit I think! I am walking to the station tomorrow to go into work. So perhaps that'll be a start.

2. Not snacking, eating properly. This has been a success. I've made myself a lunch every day, and it's far better than the inevitable snacking. So I'm happy there. I've also cut down on the extra 'unnecessary' snacking as best as possible.

3. Attempt at learning to drive is still on the grid awaiting the starter's orders. My dead phone has hindered my here as all the relevant numbers were stored on it.

4. Making more of weekends. Getting there a bit, although to be honest I've been trying to clear the decks every weekend to make sure that I have more time to do stuff during the week if I want to. The effects are gradually starting to show - paperwork, ironing, tidying the room, throwing out old stuff are hardly something to show for the weekend, but at least they're helping me get things straight.

5. Trying to do more socially. A bit of this, has been okay. Have done some things but not that much to be frank. Again, the aforementioned phone problem has been a hinderance here. I'm going to try and work on that this month.

Overall, one goal achieved, one worked on, and one failed. Two that were non-starters. Relatively decent progress. I'm going to continue these aims through March and we'll see how the next progress report ends up!