Sunday, December 03, 2006

Chaotic Calendar Confusion

So, this has not been updated in a while. It appears in addition to the days we've lost in Slumberland, we have now also lost an entire month, the month of November. This is getting worrying.

There are many things to update you on, of which none I can remember, so instead I will witter on about irrelevant things. Such as tornadoes. Tornadoes, I hear you cry? Well, strictly speaking mini-tornadoes. Or rather, mini-tornado. A mini-tornado went through Bow Street on Tuesday, which is a small village about two miles from where I sit in my residence now. This you may have seen in the national newspapers on Wednesday. It was in the Guardian, at least, and according to the newsagent it was also mentioned on Radio 2. How's that for celebrity?

I can't think of anything else to write about. It's December now. If you hadn't noticed. England are being rather inept at cricket. And Sliema Ponderers got promoted in Hattrick, while the Thid Floor Ponderers are regularly thrashing the Pigeons XI in Battrick in friendlies, as well as preparing to get promoted in turn as well come the end of the season.

Besides that ... um ... I can't think of a thing that's happened. This is pathetic. 20 days until Chrissi arrives here. Not that I'm counting down or anything. Hope everyone reading this is well. If anyone ever still reads this, unlikely considering the frequency of my updates.

I'll sign off for now and think of something more interesting to add tomorrow!


Emmie-lou said... update!! Nice to hear what you've been upto..!

Anonymous said...

I still read! Good to hear you've been enjoying the "extreme" weather. Gotta love it. Hope you have a good Christmas and festive season, etc. PS. If you're interested, I've started a blog over at . You've got to sign up to view, but it's reasonably quick and easy. Maybe if you're bored one night. :)

Lorelei said...

18 *happy bounce* You may not be counting, but I am!

Tim aka 'pigeon boy' said...

Not thrashing...competitively overcoming...i'll have you know i too have been promoted in Battrick and won my first game, and am sitting 2nd in battrick having only lost one game!