Friday, October 27, 2006

The One Where Andrew Actually Blogs

Wow, look at this. A new blog post.

Lots of stuff has happened since the last post so instead of filling people in on what I haven't talked about, I will naturally witter about a load of nonsense instead. This is typical for what I do. This blog post may be unnecessary anyway, as we may have an apocalypse tonight if the Cards win the World Series, just from the thought of Jeff Weaver pitching any side to World Series victory in the clincher. However, if there is an apocalypse, at least it'll happen while I'm asleep so it won't bother me much.

Aside from potential apocalypses, which most people will agree is fairly major news, the other significant news from me is that Chrissi has finalised travel plans to England for Christmas, so will be here from the 22nd of December to the 3rd of January, which I am looking forward to very much. That's my major news of the past few weeks. Apart from that, it's just history.

Oh, yesterday they decided to test the fire alarms in the building. This is not good when they do it for AN HOUR AND A HALF. Every twenty seconds, the alarm would ring for half a minute, and each time I'd think it was a real one because it wasn't stopping by the end, and just as I'd start to get up, it'd stop. Also, my ears were ringing painfully.

Other stuff to pay tribute to - St. Helens are Super League XI Champions. Awesome stuff for the super saints, meaning all three titles of the season on the shelf at Knowsley Road.

That's it for now. I'll come back at another point when I get reminded and write another update. Hope this finds everyone well and the like.


Lorelei said...

Jingle Bells...Jingle Bells...tehe. Okay its a little early for that. I'm excited too! Everything was so beautifully decorated last New Years, I can't wait to see England in full Christmas swing. We don't get much of that here. Hard to get into the Santa spirit when its perfect beach weather outside. Though the Beach Santa's we have here are funny (but appropriate) as heck.

Only...err...57 or 56 more days? I lost count somewhere!

And we both know Jared is gonna screw it up. He's good like that. Its his one true talent.

Andrew_tM said...

You mean Jeff. Jared is the good one.

Lorelei said...

Yeah yeah yeah. I know them as big brother and little brother. If you would just get the proper names down, I wouldnt have to screw up their real names ;) You aren't a true baseball fan until you give them all dumb nicknames

Lorelei said...

I stand corrected....Weaver pitched 8 innings and won them the World Series.

Pardon me while I go die of shock....