Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The One Where Andrew Explains All

I'm continuing with my Friends-style post titling. I'm not sure why. I can't think of anything better to title this. I also decided to opt for 'explain all' over 'reveal all' as it sounds slightly better.

Anyway, I'm going to try and say a few things without waffling. Going well so far.

I said yesterday that I've been busy my last few days, and there's a reason for this. I've been sorting myself out because tomorrow afternoon I'm flying out to America to stay there for three weeks. Why, you may ask?

To see Chrissi.

Why is she there, is the next question? Because she lives there.

Yes, this may be a bit of a surprise to some people. To others it may be the final piece in the jigsaw puzzle that actually explains a lot of things that never made much sense. Some people know this already. Some don't. Some may have suspicions. Those of you who didn't know, well, now you do.

We met three and a half years ago online, not through any way you might think, but just at random. And were talking for a lot of time, and just got close. And that's about it. I flew out to the US last summer for a week. And she's flown out here twice. So it's not just an online relationship. It's a real one, although hardly a typical one. We just happened to meet online.

Is there any reason I'm saying this now more than any time? Well, not really. More that this has potential to be a serious long-term relationship (well, three years is already fairly long-term), and I see no reason to hide from my friends what exactly it is any more than I already have.

If anyone is especially offended by my vague answers as a consequence of this, I apologise. I suppose it was never something I felt easy discussing as simply as this before. It was something I wasn't sure of enough to bring it up. Not that it's easy to just casually drop into the conversation! But this is a good point to bring it up and I'm quite happy with doing so.

Anyway, next blog should be from the US on Friday. I'll see all my devoted readers then.


Emmie-lou said...

Wow!! It explains a lot...but I'm not offended that you ahev never spoken fully about it before!! Go Andy and Chrissi, I hope it does work out the way you want it to. :-)

Andrew_tM said...

Well, this is me at the airport now, trying to find something to do to fill the two and a half hours before my flight.

Hopefully it does explain a few things. My apparant 'laziness' for one (there's a reason I stay up late at night and got up late too, and this is why)! Probably other ones also.

Anyway, thanks for your good wishes Emma :)

vix said...

Aaaaah! I cant believe you never said anything! Not offended though... hope you have lots of fun over in the US!
