Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sod's Law: In Action!

Time Asleep Last Night: N/A
Time Awake This Morning: N/A
Daily Activity Rating: 10PP

So today was rather similar to all the other days. In that I have bugger all to write about. Oh, interesting point of interest, I'm so glad I decided to spend a good hour and a half this morning reading and making notes from the book I was supposed to read for today's seminar.

Because the seminar was absolutely irrelevant. I'm not quite sure what we were meant to be discussing [I think it had to do with cruelty and barbarism in Africa], but whatever it was it definately wasn't the concept of a universal morality, which was what it was. I feel somewhat robbed of an hour and a half. But half an hour of that was spent eating a mightily good breakfast, so there are swings and roundabouts.

Today's random link is definately worth reading [will take 10-20 minutes, but it's brilliant]. In my mind, it's absolutely hilarious proof of everything both wrong and right with the entire interweb. So, read on for the P-P-P-Powerbook story, which is linked at the top of that site.

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