Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Activity Regime!

Time Asleep Last Night: N/A
Time Awake This Morning: N/A
Daily Activity Rating: 15PP

High DAR rating today due to being up almost the entire day. So it'll make a big difference. Done lots of little bits and pieces and made progress forwards, which pleases me. Erm ... that's about it for today's useful update. Interesting stuff, isn't it?

I suppose at some point I should write these entries before I'm just about to go to bed, so I make them moderately interesting.

Here's an amusing link though: What Argos should sell.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Sunday Follows Saturday

Time Asleep Last Night: 05:54
Time Awake: 15:39
Daily Activity Rating: 11PP

Today was an active day; when I was up I did activity-like things. Not exciting, but then again when has washing ever been exciting? For that matter, when has cleaning and tidying been exciting? Nope, I agree with you. However, I'm in the mood now to be useful and make things work. To do things normally, to get my ass in gear to sound overly American.

Anyway, I'll see how long it lasts. I give myself until perhaps Tuesday at best.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Time Asleep Last Night: 04:41
Time Awake This morning: 17:43
Daily Activity Rating: 1PP

Nothing happened. Fact. Lowest ever DAR on record.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Routine Approaches Normality! World Shocked!

Time Asleep Last Night: 01:35
Time Awake This Morning: 7:56
Daily Activity Rating: 18PP

I feel rather impressed with myself today, having been almost on a normal schedule in terms of awakening and asleeping times. This is abnormal, for me. And hooray for weekends that start at midday on a Thursday; always nice, even if it gets you evil looks and even more evil thoughts from those who are unfortunate enough to have to work on the Fridays. Well, ha to them.

Today's silly random insert is this:

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sod's Law: In Action!

Time Asleep Last Night: N/A
Time Awake This Morning: N/A
Daily Activity Rating: 10PP

So today was rather similar to all the other days. In that I have bugger all to write about. Oh, interesting point of interest, I'm so glad I decided to spend a good hour and a half this morning reading and making notes from the book I was supposed to read for today's seminar.

Because the seminar was absolutely irrelevant. I'm not quite sure what we were meant to be discussing [I think it had to do with cruelty and barbarism in Africa], but whatever it was it definately wasn't the concept of a universal morality, which was what it was. I feel somewhat robbed of an hour and a half. But half an hour of that was spent eating a mightily good breakfast, so there are swings and roundabouts.

Today's random link is definately worth reading [will take 10-20 minutes, but it's brilliant]. In my mind, it's absolutely hilarious proof of everything both wrong and right with the entire interweb. So, read on for the P-P-P-Powerbook story, which is linked at the top of that site.