Wednesday, December 26, 2007

One And A Half Centuries

My recent spate of blogging has put me up to the 150 mark for blogs. A perhaps dubiously impressive landmark. Anyway, I'm quite getting into this blogging lark once more.

I don't have too much to say, so instead I'm going to comment on one of the more amusing things I've heard this year. This being that on updating my facebook profile picture, Chrissi observed that I looked hot in that picture. This is one of the most hilarious things I've heard this year. I attach said picture for proof of how absurd this premise is.

Okay, she's biased, she's supposed to say that. I still disagree though. However, attempting to prove my point by seeking a second opinion to agree with me, and selfishly they sided with Chrissi. I'm still insisting I'm right on this one, and not fishing for compliments at all because I am reluctant to believe that this could even be the case! For me, it doesn't sit quite square with the perception I have of myself. Perhaps my perception needs updating.

Anyway, amusing enough that I felt compelled to share it with the one person who reads this, which is Chrissi anyway and so already knew about this.


Lorelei said...

Hot DAMMIT! HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emmie-lou said...

Lol...sorry!! I didn't have your address saved on this computer! Therefore havn't visited it since end of term. No-one has commented on my blogs for...2 months!!

I would be upset but it's not worth it!

Lorelei said...

*pokes politely at Emma*

Could you please tell him I'm right? :)