Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Well, since last update I've been rather remiss in my blog posts. However, will rectify this now. Since then on the jobhunting front I've had three interviews, one on the 1st August with Reed, one on the 3rd August with USwitch.com (unsuccessful), and a second interview with Reed yesterday which would mean it was on the 13th August. Good thing I'm not superstitious.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, get to the point, avoid meandering, I got a call back from Reed about an hour and a half ago (after an entire day of waiting - you'd think when they said they'd call me to let me know this day they wouldn't leave it until 4:58pm). To cut a long story short, I was offered a position and I accepted. So, thus ends the great job hunt. The job has been successfully hunted and its head is now hung up above my fireplace as a trophy. This metaphor doesn't work quite so well when over-extended but anyway, the gist is: I am now employed.

As to what the position is, well, to be honest I'm not exactly certain on the detailed specifics. I know the rough responsibilities and that you work with the projects teams on any other suggestions and possibilities for general business integration and similar. It's an analytical and organisational role where you have to coordinate with everyone else to improve behind-the-scenes cohesion and similar.

This is an amazingly vague description, I know, but at the moment I don't really have anything more concrete to go on and don't have a ready-made job description in front of me. Not that that makes much difference as most of them are just carbon-copies and contain far too much management speak for their own good.

But anyway, that's that. I start on the 3rd September.


Anonymous said...

congrats andy!
Well that closes your student life chapter and the opening of your working life one.

Anonymous said...

congratulations, Andy! You, a proper working person.. the world quakes... Anyway, good luck! x