Sunday, August 06, 2006

Three Weeks Worth Of Waffle

Well, after the resurrection of my blog with my long political commentary last week, I thought it might be appropriate to provide an update of what's been going on in my life for the last three weeks. Three weeks is a fairly long time for an update, and considering that said update was only a collage of Mordor pictures, it's more strictly speaking a month since I gave a proper update.

I'll start at the beginning. I've officially applied to three Masters programs, for various History MA courses, at Aberystwyth, Exeter and Kings College [UoL]. So far I have had no response, but I wouldn't be expecting one until the middle to end of August anyway. Although I have had a confirmation of reciept from Aberystwyth which seems positive, and their communication has been excellent.

Other notable event of the last few weeks is that I turned 21 on my birthday (I decided to stick with tradition and not age on a different day). A fair few people asked me what I was doing and the like, but to be honest to me it wasn't much of a big deal; it seemed a relatively normal day. Went out for a meal in the evening with my sister and Dad, which was an unmitigated disaster. The food was excellent, but it seemed to be a case of noone getting on that well. It was quite frustrating, but I was as guilty as anyone else so I can't really complain too much.

Generally, I feel that the home environment isn't quite right. I suppose having been away for three years it's impossible to slot back in, and when at home while at University I've just been here "temporarily". Now I am back for the near future, with no immediate plan as to what is happening. There is general tension and things are a bit awkward overall, and I'm not sure quite what to do with it all.

Things came to a head of sorts last week when I got so fed up I just put on my shoes and walked out of the house and went for a walk; and honestly had more than half a mind not to turn back. Which in hindsight worries me a lot that I was so frustrated that I was prepared to just go off without knowing where I'd be heading or anything, but things have been really quite awkward.

Anyway, since that things have been better, and we've had a bit of a talk and things were worked out a bit more and things have eased since then. But still. I'd like to know what's going on with postgraduate programs so I know where I stand so I can move forward, because I'm slightly in limbo at the moment, and this is undoubtedly fuelling some of the problems.

Apologies for the length there, but there's three weeks worth of waffle to update you with. A bit more of a poignant and thoughtful blog again; I promise sometime soon I'll come up with my usual sarcastic and surreal commentaries instead of the current trend.


vix said...

Exeter... wooo! You have excellent taste, Andy! That would be odd... meeting you in Durham, and then you ending up in my hometown...

Isn't that just something to cheer you up!? And yes... lots of happy music and optimism in the face of the fact that at times all families face difficulties, but hard times will pass. You'll be back to your sarcastic self in no time...

Emmie-lou said...

They are tooooooooooooooooooo long andy!!