Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weekend Countdown

So the decision has been made - the big release will take place this weekend. This is something I'm actually looking forward to - it'll be nice to get it out of the way.

This means staying behind on Friday night, to handle the initial release. Then I will also be working on the Saturday to ensure that it is all fully tested and working as it should be. This does mean a fair bit of working this weekend, but also means a day and a half of time off in lieu to take at a later date - not something to be sneezed at.

At the current rate I'll have enough saved up to have a full week off when I combine it with my leftover holiday before my holiday year runs out at the beginning of September!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Working Family

So as today was Chrissi's first day at work, this also marks the first day of us being an official working family. All very exciting, of sorts - although I won't lie, it's not, but the additional money won't hurt one bit. It means I get to go on more holidays and see more people, which is always something to be excited about!

This week potentially marks a big release at work. Except it might not. The people who are making the decisions are keeping their cards quite close to their metaphorical chests at the moment so I won't really know until later in the week whether the verdict is to go or to pause for a week. Ah, suspense.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Additional Pressure

A conversation yesterday evening reminded me that I have to blog now, because if I don't blog not only will Chrissi not see my blogs, but also it will not guilt Carisa into blogging as well - so Chrissi won't see Carisa's blogs, which is what she actually wants to see. I am purely a means to an end here.

This weekend just gone was a busy weekend, which precedes a busy week. We were out Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night - an impressive tally. Friday night was a games night with work friends which saw us returning at around 4am. Saturday night we were meeting new friends in Woking for a drink, and on the Sunday Dad and Gill came over for a meal, and we then went out to the local pub for the quiz night. All in all, an action-packed weekend, and that wasn't all that was done!

Tomorrow is also an exciting day because Chrissi starts her new job! It's going to be several changes for both of us but it'll be very exciting, and I'm so happy for her that at long last she's got something. It may not be exactly what she was looking for, but after looking for any amount of time you just want to find something!