Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Flashback: Saturday

As I missed a couple of events I actually wanted to blog about, I will instead resort to employing the age-old TV strategy to incorporate a past event into a current timeline - the flashback.

This flashback takes us back in time to this past Saturday, when Chrissi and I were entertaining friends for dinner. This has been planned for the first weekend after Chrissi arrived, three weeks previous - however, there was a flaw in this plan. Chrissi was ill that weekend so we had to unfortunately cancel and rearrange.

This was not in vain however, as we still had a very enjoyable and succesful night on Saturday. All of my home friends (that still live here) could make it, which was a promising start. I cooked a most excellent curry - in fact, I cooked two curries, one being a chicken korma and one a generic mild curry. I could call it many different names but really it wasn't any of them.

It all went very well and it was good to see people. Chrissi's desert was also excellent, and she has been baking again this week - apple pies - which puts me in trouble with work, but they really are not the sort of dish you can take on an hour-and-a-half commute in the morning without something going badly wrong and them arriving in a significantly worse condition than they departed!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Reasons; or Excuses by Another Name

While reminding a friend of the continued existence of this blog a few minutes ago - available as a source of newsworthy and non-newsworthy updates alike on my goings-on - it did jog my memory that I have not been posting as actively as I perhaps would expect myself to.

There are obvious reasons for this, or as I have more honestly termed them, excuses by another name.

The first is the supposed lack of readership. However, I have never posted for a real audience, knowing that this audience is precisely nil, so it is a distraction. Usually I post because either I enjoy writing, occasionally because I have something to say, or more typically because something is irritating me.

I've also had less time to post recently. This isn't true either. I've had roughly the same amount of time - I've still been home the same time the majority of evenings, and in bed a similar time. I've not been in my room as much so haven't been at the computer and posting, but when I have been, I have simply avoided it or forgotten.

A further suggestion could be that I've simply not had much to talk about recently - less to communicate in my life. This is also inaccurate, considering that I have been working on moving, shopping for items for the new place, meeting friends, many other activities all transpiring. Considering how I would happily fill many blogs without saying anything, this is hardly a reason for a lack of a post!

The other is simply that with Chrissi here, I've been more relaxed, sharing more things with her as I've been able to when I come in - and needing less to post on here to get things off my chest or to make note of memorable things as they occur. This is the most plausible.

However, I am determined to write a little more frequently. As this long excuse has gone on enough, I'll end it here and be determined to pick up the metaphorical writing baton again in the next couple of days.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


As some people may have noticed, I have rarely blogged since Chrissi has been here. This is mostly because I've not been on the computer nearly as much, but also because the principal reader is Chrissi - and it seems a little pointless to write a blog as to what I've been doing when I can simply tell her!

Yesterday we were looking at flats to rent in the continued pursuit of a new place to live. This was simultaneously exciting and scary. There are a couple of places that looked pretty decent, although both are unfurnished. One we are now less convinced about in hindsight as we can't recall a fridge or washing machine. We hope that they are hidden behind a cupboard-like front to fit into the kitchen, I didn't check the cupboards.

Another place we're aiming to look at after work in the next couple of days and then can have an idea towards a decision this week!