Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two Quick Rants

Two quick things that annoyed me today.

(1) Reading in the paper this morning that Prince Philip is calling Simon Cowell a 'sponger'. Couldn't care less about Simon Cowell, really I couldn't - but the Duke of Edinburgh going to that level of blind hypocrisy makes me furious. That's practically his job title, after all.

(2) Article in paper about the baseball world championships making ignorant comments about the World Series. Yes, it's not exactly a world-wide championships, but unlike the article stated, it's not only US teams - unless Toronto is suddenly in the US? What about Montreal Expos, who were also in the MLB? Don't write such ignorant tripe.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Minor Niggles

Sometimes I wonder if playing football is good for me or not! Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy running around for two hours, even if my average performance is not anything to set the pulse racing.

However, for the second week in a row I've picked up a bit of a niggle - although really it's a hangover from last week's niggle. This is getting a little tiresome, last week I had to work from home just to deal with the fact that I couldn't really walk because of it! It's not that bad this week - but we'll see how well I'm stumbling in the morning for the verdict!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

In Praise of Alan Wiley

Having just watched the Manchester United-Liverpool game, it has to be said that Wiley did a fantastic job of refereeing the game. Considering the tensions, the profile, and the importance of the game, it was never going to be easy.

And true to form, it wasn't. There were tough decisions to be made. There were difficult calls, dubious penalties, potential sendings off, the simmering backstory of the 'Rafa Rant' which could hardly have not played on a referee's mind in this fixture.

Yet for me, he was man of the match. Usually that is cast as a negative, that the referee was man of the match; because it means usually that he gave all his decisions one way. This time, it wasn't. Every decision that mattered was correct. It is delighting that in a game packed with incident, the man in the middle barely got noticed, because he did excellently.

Now let's hope this isn't just a one-off!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Extremists: Overstatement

I'm not going to discuss the recent protest at a parade by a British regiment returning from Iraq. As far as I'm concerned, it's tasteless, but it's allowed. We need to stop championing the tabloid line that our military personnel are sacrosant and immune from criticism, that anyone arguing whether 'our boys' are doing the right thing is guilty of near treason and should move somewhere else.

However, I was particularly amused by a placard at the protest bearing the message "Illegal War on Islam's Muslims". Does that count as a double negative?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

So I don't broach the forbidden subject ...

This blog is a distraction so that I don't talk about poker tonight. We all know how angry that makes people!

I have new shoes, gotten this week while I was off for a couple of days for a bit of a breather. My new shoes are nice and shiny, and awesome - it's about time I got a proper pair of shoes for work.

Very girly subject, I know. But better than in-depth poker discussion, hmmm?

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Again? Yes, Again

So, for those of you who may remember I used to have an occasional attempt at organising social gatherings on a very limited scale for those friends based locally still.

These were often resounding failures, due to me typically picking dates that people were busy on. So having decided to plan in advance and ask as to when is the best days for people and attempt to marry them up, that I pick dates that people still can't make even taking this into account!

Following the admittedly pitiful attempt to meet Emma when she was passing through Woking, which didn't work, I'm continuing to have an excellent record here.

However, I will not be cowed by mere diary mismatches!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Avoiding Seasonal Puns

It is typically at the beginning of this month that on an annual basis I declare that I am marching into March, or something equally similar. This month I am avoiding that trap.

Today was a hectic yet enjoyable day. I've never actually minded being busy - it gives me something to do, and the challenge is typically something I enjoy - but a purposeful business is always far more valuable than just being busy without having a sense of what you're actually doing!

I have also endeavoured to arrange social events. This is something that I said I would, and am finally acting upon it.

In other news, I had a haircut last weekend. That's about the peak of interesting!