Saturday, September 15, 2007

Two Weeks In

It seems that every one of my blog posts nowadays is either an 'update' or similar. I think the message we can draw from this is that I don't actually blog often enough, that I have to constantly keep updating people with what I've missed pointing out through not blogging at the relevant time.

Anyway, this latest update comes with me two weeks into my job with Reed. I'm already starting to settle into the routine of working, and into the whole familiarity of the job and what it entails and so on. As I wasn't clear before, and didn't precisely know myself what my position was, I should point that out to start with I suppose. Technically speaking, my position is as a Graduate Trainee, but I'm on the IT Projects team and that basically translates to me working in a project manager/sub-manager role depending on the different project that I'm assisting with.

My hours are not too atypical. I'm on a 40-hour week, with daily hours of 8-5 with a one hour lunch break, so fairly standard stuff. For those of you aghast at the possibility of me getting up at 6am every morning for the commute in to Raynes Park where I work, I am amused at you. So far I've had no problems at all in the mornings or similar. As with all things, it's all about getting into the routine and so on.

So far I've been familiarising myself with systems and working on a few small projects in minor roles to get myself up to speed with some of the bigger projects that the team is working on. I'm actually quite enjoying it so far.

That's pretty much it on the job front - what else for the dreaded 'updates'? Hrm. Well, Chrissi and I had our four-year anniversary on Monday. That's quite impressive to say the least. Super League regular season has ended, and I'm interested in going to the Grand Final in Manchester on October 13th. If anyone else fancies this too, give me a shout as currently I'm going on my own if at all! Sorting out a new passport too and looking at booking a holiday away in late November, no prizes for guessing where to. And that's about it from me for updates.